The Arts
Art History Resources
This is where you can search your class by course code for all your studying needs. Each class will be broken down into art history needs, now you can study at home or on your free time at the library!
Starting from the beginning of Prehistoric art and Ancient World, including Egyptian, Greek and Roman. Includes the Elements & Principles of Design.
Exploring the masters and modern photography and the Surrealist movement. Includes the Elements & Principles of Design.
A look at fundamental Canadian artists and the Group of Seven and the introduction of the Early and Late Renaissance Period. Includes the Elements & Principles of Design
A exploration of great historical art pieces relating to colour exploration and different artistic stylings. This includes but is not limited to The Renaissance, The Middle Ages, Impressionism, Abstract Art, Pop & Op Art, Modern and Post Modern Art.
The Middle Ages from Byzantine, Romansesque and Gothic. Also studying art of the 60's and Pop and Op Art movements. Includes the Elements & Principles of Design.
Art history includes the Renaissance & Baroque, The Surrealist and Pop art movements and an architectural survey thoughout the ages.
A survey of the development of sculpture and techniques from ancient times to modern day.
A exploration of great historical art pieces relating to colour exploration and different artistic stylings. This includes but is not limited to The Renaissance, The Middle Ages, Impressionism, Abstract Art, Pop & Op Art, Modern and Post Modern Art.